Oscoda Lions Club would like to thank all the frontline workers, Nurses, Doctors, transportation workers, everyone who is working during this pandemic, you are our heroes, You are in our Prayers.
The Oscoda Lions Club is comprised of iks of life who have the common goal of SERVICE to the blind, the needy, and to the community in general. In the following pages, take a good look at us, if you like what you see, Please Contact us.
Chartered October 3, 1963
Meetings on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 6pm
111 E Dwight St, Oscoda, Michigan 48750, United States
The Lions Clubs trace their beginnings to one man, Melvin Jones, who in 1917 with the leaders of 23 independent service clubs in Chicago, formed an association known as the Lions Clubs. Three years later, in 1920, a Lions Club in downtown Detroit sponsored a Lions Club in Windsor, Canada, thereby creating the International Association of Lions Clubs.
The Oscoda Lions Club was formed in 1963 in Oscoda Township, Michigan, and was sponsored by the Tawas Lions Club. As such, the Oscoda Lions are a part of 43,000 clubs worldwide with over 1,417,000 members. To find out more about us keep scrolling down.
The Oscoda Lions Club currently has nearly 60 members who are community minded. We are serving the community of Oscoda Township in the northeast section of Michigan along Lake Huron.
Our amazing team of volunteers are committed to helping others. Think you would be a good fit? Contact us!
We've consistently grown since we chartered on October 3, 1953 all thanks to the helping hands of this amazing community! To learn more about The Lions Club International click on the button Find out more.
The general objectives of the Lions Clubs are as follows:
To serve and assist the blind, and those among us who may be impaired due to a lack of sight.
To create and foster a spirit of understanding among the people of the world.
To promote the principle of good government and good citizenship.
To provide a forum for the open discussion of all matters of public interest, provided, however, that partisan politics and sectarian religion shall not be debated by club members.
To take an active interest in the civic, cultural, social and moral welfare of the community.
To foster fellowship, friendship and understanding among its membership.
To encourage service-minded people to serve their community without personal financial reward, and to promote high ethical standards in the community in both public and private endeavors
You can dispose of your used eyeglasses and hearing aids at the following businesses, where they will be picked up for recycling.
Oscoda Ausable Senior Center 653 State St. SW. Oscoda; Alpena Alcona Area Credit Union 103 S. State, Oscoda; Northland Area Federal Credit Union 4346 E. F-41, Oscoda; Fraser Optical 211 N. State Street Oscoda Huron Community Bank 5077 N. US-23, Oscoda; Floyd's Barber Shop; 111 State Street, Oscoda Revolve by Hope Shores 837 S.State St., Oscoda; Neiman's 220 West Lake St. Tawas City 48763 Chadwick Optometrist 325 M-55 Tawas City 48763, New Vision Eye Care 1704 E Huron Rd. (US23) East Tawas 48730, Huron Community Bank 410 East Lake St. Tawas City 48763; East Tawas Senior Center, 312 Newman St. East Tawas 48730 ; Oscoda AuSable Senior Center, 653 state Street; Huron Community Bank 410 E. Lake Street, Tawas City; Tawas Senior Center 312 Newman Street, East Tawas; Huron Community Bank 301 Newman Street, East Tamas
One of our fundraisers is the selling of Lions Mints, you can find them at the following businesses. Au Sable Surplus and Hardware ; Alpena Alcona Area Credit Union; Cathy's Hallmark; Gilbert Drug Store; Neil's Barber Shop; Oscoda Township Treasurer's Office; K.F.C.; Fraser Optical; Oscoda Press Office; Huron Community Bank; Au Sable Township; Rogers Ace Hardware;
There's much to see here. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about us. We hope you enjoy our site and take a moment to drop us a line.
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