This famous dog training school is located in Rochester, MI and now annually trains over
300 dogs and blind persons to work as a team to give the individual new independence.
The cost to train one dog together with the new master is over $35,000. However there is NO CHARGE
to the recipient. Click on the icon above for more information.
Eversight (Mid West Eye--Bank) is located in Ann Arbor, Michigan. It is an
independent, non-profit organization dedicated to the restoration of sight and serves every
community in our state. The Eye Bank recovers, evaluates, and distributes human tissue for
transplantation and supports research into causes and cures for blindness.
Click on the icon Above for more information.
Lions Bear Lake Camp, is an outdoor recreational and educational facility providing
opportunities for people of special needs to enhance their self-worth, attain independence, acquire
social skills and realize their full potential as human beings.
Click on the icon above for more information.
Juvenile Diabetes Research foundation International (JDRF) is the leading charitable funder and
advocate for juvenile (type 1) diabetes, research worldwide. JDRF was founded in 1970 by parents
of children with type 1 diabetes, a disease which strikes children suddenly, and makes them insulin
dependent for life. Type 1 diabetes poses the constant threat of devastating- related health problems
like blindness and kidney failure. Click on the icon to the left for more information.
The Lions of Michigan Service Foundation (Lions of Michigan Foundation) was created in the
early 1980's to address the needs of disadvantaged people in Michigan. The foundation provides
access to affordable medical care for the uninsured and under insured, by augmenting the coffers of
Lions clubs with small budgets. Click on the icon to the right for more information.
Penrickton Center For Blind Children is a unique, private non-profit agency, providing five day
residential, daycare, and consultation/evaluation services to the blind, multi-disabled children ages
one through twelve. Click on the icon to the left for more information.
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